Products That Improve Home Air Quality

Many people with breathing problems such as asthma, or for those with severe allergies, indoor air quality can have a major impact on their quality of life. Here is how you can improve home air quality.

Change Air Filters Frequently

This is often the most often neglected but most important thing that a home-owner can do to improve indoor air quality. Central heating and air conditioning units blow air (and dust particles in the air) all over a home every day. Changing your air filters frequently will not only help improve the air quality of your home; it will also help your heating and cooling system function more efficiently, and last longer. When selecting an air filter, be sure to choose an accordion style filter with at least a three-month usage window. Avoid the cheaper, flat, see-through filters because in general, these are far less effective and need to be changed every 30 days. The last thing you want to do is spend money on a filter that will do a poor job of effectively filtering out potentially harmful particles in the air. Spend the extra few dollars on a quality filter, not only will it last longer, but it will perform much better.

Improve Ventilation

Improving your home's ventilation system is a great way to help lower the concentration of harmful air pollutants and contaminants. The vast majority of home heating and cooling systems, including the very popular forced air systems, don't actively bring fresh air into your home. What this means for the home-owner is that he or she must find other ways to ensure the home is adequately ventilated. A few ways that home-owners can improve ventilation include opening windows and doors, operating window a/c units(with the vent control open), and running attic or window fans. It is particularly important to properly ventilate the home when performing tasks that can generate a large number of air pollutants. Tasks like painting, cooking, or even many popular hobbies can all emit harmful particles into the interior air of your home.

Minimize Sources of Air Contamination

Another important thing that you can do to improve indoor air quality is to seek out and eliminate any sources that may be emitting harmful pollutants into your living environment. Gas stoves, older lead-based paint, and asbestos insulation are all common sources of contamination. In some cases, you can adjust the number of emissions by retrofitting your home or modernizing the building material.

Maintain a Clean Home

Keeping your home clean is an easy way that anyone can help reduce the number of pollutants in indoor air. Do things like:

1. Clean your carpet regularly.

2. Vacuum floors frequently.

3. Promptly clean up pet hair.

4. Shampoo furniture upholstery.

These are just a few ways that you can help maintain an air-friendly living space.

Use an Air Cleaner or Purifier

While the effectiveness of air cleaners varies widely, operating a high-quality air cleaner can have a positive impact on the overall air quality in your home. In general, table-top versions are usually ineffective, and you may need to do a good bit of research to find an effective air cleaner in your budget.

Home-owners should also consider contacting a local duct cleaning company to inspect their home and provide even more air quality tips. When contacting local companies in your area, be sure to ask whether or not they do "air quality inspections and recommendations", knowledgeable professionals will know exactly what you are asking.